Information to be added.
Southwest Tech Student Rate
Contracted Rate * | None-Contracted Rate |
Infant (0-1): $3.25 per hour | Not available |
Second Infant: Same | Not available |
Toddler (1-2): $3.25 per hour | Not available |
Two Year Old: $3.00 per hour | $4.00 per hour |
Three to Twelve Years Old: $2.75 per hour | $3.75 per hour |
Second Child (1-12): $2.25 per hour | $3.25 per hour |
After School Child: $4.25 per hour (minimum of one hour) |
Faculty, Staff, and Community Rate
Contracted Rate * | Non-Contracted Rate |
Infant (0-1): $4.00 per hour | Not available |
Second Infant: Same | Not available |
Toddler (1-2): $4.00 per hour | Not available |
Two Year Old: $3.75 per hour | $4.50 per hour |
Three to Twelve Years Old: $3.50 per hour | $4.25 per hour |
Second Child (1-12): $3.00 per hour | $3.75 per hour |
After School Child: $4.25 per hour (minimum of one hour) |
- If you have 2 children in the more expense rooms the 3rd child will be charged $2.75 an hour.
- If you have a 2nd child in a room over age 2 the child is charged $3.00 an hour
- It is $2.25 per day for lunches.
$20 program fee per child per semester is due at the time of registration. This will cover the cost of juice, milk, art materials, field trips, etc.
- Contracts will be signed for a specific number of hours a day per week for the semester for each child. Parents are responsible for payment whether or not their child is in attendance, expect for days the Center is closed and hours allotted for absences.
Meals & Snacks
Meals & Snacks
- A nutritional breakfast of juice, cereal, and milk is served each morning until 8:30 a.m.
- A hot lunch prepared by Food Services, Inc., is available through the Center at a reasonable cost, $2.00 per day, or parents may provide sack lunches. Lunch will be served at approximately 11:00 a.m. ( 10:45 a.m. in the Infant/Toddler Center)/
- Snacks are provided morning and afternoon. Milk, juice and snacks will be provided by the Center. Cereal is provided by parents.
- Parents of infants up through twelve months of age are responsible for furnishing baby food, cereal, juice, bottles of break milk and/or formula.
- Breastfeeding mothers are responsible for setting up a nursing schedule suitable for the child (or infant) as well as the Child Care Center staff. A nursing room is available in the Center. A backup of breast milk or formula must be available.
- All bottles of formula must be made at home prior to bringing your child to the Center each day.
Parents should supply the following for their children:
- Baby food, juice, cereal, and/or breast milk (under age one)
- Breakfast cereal (ages two and up)
- Changes of clothing
- Diapers and wipes, if necessary
- Sleeping bag (age one and up)
- Paint shirt
- 1 – 2 boxes of Kleenex per child per semester
- Interest items are welcome. These can be things that complement the unit, concept, or season that we are learning and can be used as a “show and tell” experience