Southwest Wisconsin Technical College puts our students and our community first. Everyone is on the same team to help our students and each other. Our values challenge us to care on every level. SWTC's benefits and compensation are unmatched. Whether it's Fridays off in the summer or Healthcare Savings Account contributions, this college loves and cares for its employees.
If this sounds like a place you would like to work, check out our current employment opportunities.
- Academic Success Coach-Tutor [Health and Science]
- Automotive Mechanics Adjunct Instructor
- Cosmetology Adjunct Instructor
- Cybersecurity and Network Administration Adjunct Instructor
- Electrical Apprenticeship Adjunct Instructor
- English Language Learner Adjunct Instructor
- Instructional Designer
- Student Success Specialist
Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Policy
Statement of the Southwest Wisconsin Technical College District Board
The Southwest Wisconsin Technical College District Board has an established policy intended to bring about equal employment and educational opportunities within this institution. The District makes every attempt to stay in compliance with federal, state, and local anti-discrimination and affirmative action laws and executive orders, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Sec. 38.23 statutes, Section 504 or the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Equal Pay Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Acts of 1967 and 1975, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, the Wisconsin Fair Employment law, other appropriate laws and executive orders and/or administrative directives and codes. The District has actively worked to promote and implement this policy, and it will continue to reinforce the concept that our educational institution is committed to providing equitable opportunities for all persons.
It is the District policy to maintain fair and impartial relations with employees and applicants for employment, and students and student applicants in any service, program, activity, course, or use of facilities on the basis of sex, age, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability, ancestry, political affiliation, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, parental status, arrest record, conviction record, genetic testing, gender identity, and the use and non-use of lawful products off the premises during nonworking hours, and membership in National Guard, State Defense Force, or other military forces of the United States, or on any other basis that is prohibited by law. Lack of English reading/speaking skills, will not be a barrier to admission and participation in district programs.
Affirmative Action will be utilized to achieve a work force and student body that includes an appropriate balance of women, racial/ethnic groups, and persons with disabilities. All employment practices, opportunities, and personnel actions such as recruitment, promotions, compensation, benefits, transfers, layoffs, return from layoffs, communication of information, terminations, retention, certification, testing, committee assignments, institution sponsored training and education, tuition assistance, and social and recreation programs will be administered without regard to the factors noted. The District will provide reasonable accommodation to employees for religious observances and practices.
The District will seek assurance from all contractors and suppliers of products and services that they do not discriminate. The District Board also encourages the purchase of products and services from women, minority and disabled business owners.
The management staff share the Affirmative Action Program responsibility and performance standards including the Affirmative Action Plan. The College Equal Opportunity Officer, Krista Weber, is responsible for implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the District Equal Opportunity Policy and for coordinating the Affirmative Action Plan, and shall report directly to the President of the College. The Equal Opportunity Officer is also responsible for District compliance with the regulations of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - Section 504, Title IX, and the development of activities that relate to gender equity.
Employees discriminating against students will be subject to discipline under appropriate Southwest Tech employment policies, and as applicable, collective bargaining agreements. Students discriminating against other students, staff, or nonemployees will be subject to discipline under procedures included in the Southwest Tech Student Handbook and Employees' and Students' Right to Know. The College will take necessary corrective action to remedy any instances when discrimination is determined to have occurred.
The Southwest Wisconsin Technical College District Board has an established procedure for resolving complaints relating to discrimination. Alleged acts of discrimination shall be filed directly with the District Affirmative Action Officer. Complaints must be filed within three hundred (300) calendar days from the date of the action causing the complaint. Reports of alleged acts of discrimination or inquiries concerning the equal opportunity policies of the District should be addressed to:
Krista Weber, Equal Opportunity OfficerSouthwest Wisconsin Technical College
1800 Bronson Boulevard
Fennimore, WI 53809
800.362.3322, extension 2315
TDD: 608.822.2072
Jason S. Wood, Ph.D., President
Revised, January 2016