One of our top priorities is the safety of our students and staff. If you see something, say something! Tell us about concerns or distressing behaviors you observed. This helps identify and prevent violent and personal tragedies. The campus is monitored by a video surveillance system. Southwest Tech prohibits all firearms or weapons of any type, concealed or unconcealed, in Southwest Tech owned or leased buildings.

Report a Concern

You can help Southwest Tech maintain a safe campus by reporting any behavior that may be a concern. Our goal is to head off any issues and assist our students and staff.

Report an Accident/Incident

Any physical accident or incident needs to be reported to Southwest Tech staff. You can do so by filling out the Incident Report Form.

Campus Safety Report

Southwest Tech is committed to our students' right to know about the security of our campus. We transparently report crime statistics in observance of federal laws including the Jeanne Cleary Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act, the Violence Against Women Act, and the SaVE (Sexual Violence Elimination) Act.

View a copy of our Annual Security Report (Clery Report)

If you are unable to access documents here, please contact the President's Office (, 608.822.2300)

Consumer Information

Visit our Consumer Information page