Donate... Every Dollar Makes a Difference!

John Deere & Hillsboro Equipment Engine Donation

Detail snippet of what the press release is about.

Link to the Engine Donation Press Release

SWTC Foundation Gift Policy

Workforce education means good-paying jobs, healthy families and a strong community. That's why the Southwest Tech Foundation knows that when it comes to scholarships, every dollar counts. For our students, your gift provides a critical financial lifeline. With broad support from friends and partners just like you, we are able to make great things come alive for our students, our community and our economy.

Foundation Funds List

Process a credit card payment now

We receive approximately 97% of your credit card donation after fees are assessed by the bank. Please consider adding 3% to your gift to help offset this additional cost. To avoid bank fees, we welcome payment by cash or check.

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Pay by Cash or Check

When making a gift by cash or check, please complete the Foundation Gift Commitment Form to clearly indicate who the gift is from and its purpose. Please make all checks payable to Southwest Tech Foundation and mail to:

Southwest Tech Foundation
1800 Bronson Boulevard
Fennimore, WI 53809

If you are unable to access documents here, please contact Foundation (, 608.822.2348)

Thank you for your support!