Inclusion and Belonging at Southwest Tech

Southwest Tech strives for a more diverse, equitable and inclusive campus experience for students, faculty, staff, and our public.

Our commitment is more than just words. We live by our College Values. As such, we have included “inclusivity” as a value we pay attention to in our daily business practices and decision making at Southwest Tech.

Valuing Inclusivity

Inclusivity. We provide a welcoming environment that promotes respect for all members of the college community. We commit to learning about our differences and commonalities to better appreciate the value of each person. We empower the college community to cultivate connections and defend the dignity and humanity of all.  We expect all members of our college community to live our Charger Respect Pledge.

Honoring Your Preferred Name

Part of the college experience is taking those first independent steps and defining who you are. At Southwest Tech, we honor everyone and support their authentic selves. As such, we have implemented the Preferred Name Request for individuals who prefer a name different than their legal name.

Preferred Name Request