Leadership Academies

Leadership Academy

Our original Leadership Academy and the foundation for everything else we teach!


The Leadership Academy 36 includes both a full StrengthsFinder2.0 and Everything DiSC Workplace assessment and discussion in addition to added curriculum on Stress, Time and Change Management, Creating and Managing Work Teams, Managing Communication and Leadership. As with all Leadership Academies, first we Grow the Person, then we Develop the Leader and finally we Build the Team

Leadership Academy – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Group of diverse people

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is a topic that is becoming common in today’s workplace. This academy will focus on Who Am I? they determine Who Are We? and finally Communicate in Action. Topics will include Emotional Intelligence, Unconscious Bias, Power Dynamics, Productive Conflict, and more!

Servant Leadership Academy

In servant leadership, employees are empowered. But the leader doesn’t just disappear. The Servant Leadership Academy at Southwest Tech is an interactive program designed to empower students with the principles and practices of servant leadership. This course is rooted in the philosophy that leadership is about serving others first, fostering a culture of collaboration, empathy, and ethical decision-making.