Viral Infection Prevention Campus update 1/28/2020

Email to campus Community

Subject: UPDATE: Protect yourself and others from viral infections

Good afternoon, 

On behalf of the core emergency response team (CERT), we are providing an update on recent developments surrounding viral infections, specifically influenza, and the coronavirus. 

Influenza remains the most urgent and frequent case of viruses. While the college is not at this point, we have confirmed that school districts have gone as far as to close their school to limit the spread of influenza. Please take this into consideration if you have college business at area high schools.

As a reminder, please follow these precautions and urge students to as well. 

  • Wash hands often with soap and water for twenty seconds – the same length of time it takes to sing the happy birthday song 
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home when sick
  • Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and cough or sneeze into your elbow

Latest updates from Wisconsin Department of Health Services on the coronavirus: 

  • one positive case
  • 15 negative cases
  • one pending

>>>>> In comparison 19,496 people have tested positive for influenza in Wisconsin since September 1, 2019.

“While we have one confirmed case of coronavirus here in Wisconsin, Governor Tony Evers and DHS Secretary designee Andrea Palm emphasize that the risk to the general public is very low. Wash your hands, cover your coughs, and if you are sick, stay home.”

Read more here:

If you have any questions, please feel free to share them with a member of the CER Team. 

Brian Kitelinger
Caleb White
Dan Imhoff
Heath Ahnen
Josh Bedward
Karen Campbell
Karl Sandry
Katie Garrity
Katie Glass
Kris Wubben
Krista Weber
Tom Kretschman

Posted in COVID-19