Email from Jason Wood: COVID-19 Update – 2020-03-12

Dear Colleagues,

Southwest Tech continues to implement measures to curb the spread of COVID-19.  The following decisions will help ensure the health and wellness of our people:

  1. The college has created a COVID-19 website which will be updated regularly and contains key information including our response plan.
  2. Effective immediately through April 30, student and employee travel for business purposes is limited to our five county service district.  Out-of-district travel is not permitted and should be canceled.  If you are planning to travel out-of-district for any college related business, you will need to cancel or reschedule those meetings. Examples include field trips, state-called meetings, conferences, and other similar activities. The college will continue to evaluate all travel plans after May 1.
  3. We strongly advise you to reconsider non-essential personal travel away from Southwest Tech’s district. Documented cases are growing rapidly, both domestically and internationally. You may face a higher risk of infection, significant delays returning to our district, and/or the requirement to self-quarantine upon your return.
  4. Should you decide to travel, be aware of the risks to your health. If you are returning from a Level 3 area, you are prohibited from returning to the workplace and must self-quarantine for 14 days, even if you do not exhibit symptoms. CDC Travel Notices
  5. The college is evaluating events hosted on campus and determining whether to host the events as planned, consider alternative options, or cancel the event.  Specific decisions will be communicated in a timely manner.

Please do not come to work or class if you are ill and follow these guidelines.Please contact your supervisor or Human Resources if you have questions about your time away from work options.  Faculty are advised to be flexible with academic assignments.  All employees who are issued a laptop need to be proactive and travel with their device – including taking it home with them at night.

Should you develop symptoms follow the instructions from the CDC. What to do if you’re sick.

All individuals should do the following:

  • Wash hands often with soap and water
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and cough and sneeze into your elbow.
  • Continue to visit Southwest Tech’s COVID-19 information webpage. This comprehensive website has resources, updates, and answers to commonly asked questions about COVID-19.

In the event additional actions or closures are necessary, those announcements will be made via our emergency communication systems.  As we consider the possibility of closing campus, or if the powers overseeing state and local governments should enact closures, we will implement planning underway for alternative delivery as feasible.  The college will provide additional information to the campus community as it becomes available.

As a college, our greatest strength is our faculty and staff who care so much about our students and communities.  Please rely on our collective kindness and mutual respect to guide us through uncertain times.  Please know we hope you and those close to you remain healthy.


Jason S. Wood, Ph.D.
President, Southwest Tech

Posted in COVID-19