Update From Caleb White – May 27, 2020

Teammates and friends,

I hope you are all well and enjoying the heat J. Here is an update since Jason’s email on Saturday, May 27:

  1. Southwest Tech COVID 19 Returning to Campus Guidelines and Policies Handbook (updated for phase 3 in August of 2020) – the initial version has been completed and is attached.
  2. Feedback/questions – As you read through the Handbook, please direct all questions or suggestions to covid19response@swtc.edu. Your question will receive a prompt response, and we will use the feedback to provide continuous improvement for the Handbook as well as the COVID-19 site on our webpage.
  3. Safety Training – we are asking all staff who are planning to work regular working hours (even if it is only one day or a part of a day) on campus in June and July to attend a Zoom training session to be completed yet this week. A Schoology-based training session is also under development, which will require completion by all staff before June 26.
  4. Next Steps – As Phase II re-opening efforts have been the focus of this initial handbook version, work will shift to more detailed planning on Phase III and re-opening plans for the fall semester. Our commitment is to do everything possible to provide the best opportunities for students to complete the outstanding, quality hands-on training and professional growth that our College is known for throughout our region. 
  1. Southwest Tech Student Laptop Program – Student Senate approved moving forward with the laptop program after the district board had done the same last week. A Request for Proposal to secure the equipment and support services will be issued this week and awarded in the next two weeks or so. Lots of process details still being worked out, including a communication plan to our students and the public. Very exciting, to say the least.

Amazing and intense work done by many dedicated and passionate colleagues on both items I noted above. I have much appreciation for both the work that’s been done and is yet to come. It’s the reason we are able to confidently say that we are very close to completing 100% of the face-to-face instruction from spring term, we are currently hosting the Law Enforcement 720 Academy, and this fall plans are to resume all face-to-face instruction with new safety protocols in place.

As we continue into uncharted ‘pandemic’ territory for our College, we continue to keep people at the forefront of every decision. What’s best for all students and staff, trying to balance safety with individual and collective long-term prosperity, has been a challenge. I can’t thank everyone enough for their dedication to this principle. Understanding and compassion have been abundant and much appreciated. 

Best to you all!


Posted in COVID-19, Update