Update From Caleb White – June 18, 2020

Teammates and friends,

I hope you are all well and enjoying summer. Here is an update since the last email on Saturday, May 27:

  1. Southwest Tech COVID 19 Returning to Campus Guidelines and Policies Handbook.
    1. Version 2.0 – The newest edition of the College’s return to campus plan is in the works with a focus on detailed guidelines, procedures and policies for Phase III reopening currently slated for August 1.  Target release is planned for the week of July 13.
    2. Safety Training – Procedure has shifted slightly from the last update.  All staff holding regular hours on campus in June or July (even if it is only one day or a part of a day) are asked to complete a prerecorded Zoom training located on the Charger Hub homepage.  Subsequently as part of the College’s Phase III reopening, a Schoology-based training session will be required to be completed by all staff prior to the planned August 1 Phase III kick-off; plans for release the week of July 13 with along with Handbook 2.0
    3. Student Survey – a student survey will be issued next week to gauge the students’ satisfaction with the College’s COVID response and their feelings and needs for the 20/21 academic year.  The survey results will help inform the College’s Phase III plans for fall operations.
    4. Questions/comments – As always, please see the College’s COVID-19 site on our webpage for more information.  All questions or suggestions should be directed to the COVID-19 Response Team.
  2. Southwest Tech Student Laptop Program – Work continues on the student laptop program.  Well over one thousand laptops have been ordered with a goal to have these devices in the hands of all eligible students by mid-August.  This initiative will put our College and our students in very advantageous position for success now and into the future.  A tremendous amount of work has been and will be expended in making this a reality.  Kudos to everyone involved.
  3. 2020/21 Budget – A budget proposal has been submitted to the board for their consideration for adoption after the public hearing scheduled for Thursday, June 25, at 6:30.  Feel free to join the Zoom session (see email to staff) and geek out with me on numbers. J  Don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Kelly Kelly with any concerns, questions or suggestions.
  4. Enrollment for Fall – We’re heading in the right direction as overall enrollment trends for fall have been moving in a positive direction over the last few weeks and have brought us up to being on par with our progress from last year at this time.  This is a significant accomplishment when viewed with the enrollment struggles currently being experienced by many of our sister colleges.  But we’re not out of the woods yet.  Fear, uncertainty and intense competition for post-secondary learners threaten to derail our gains quickly.  We must stay diligent in being responsive to meeting our students and employer needs as they continue to quickly evolve in our rapidly changing, volatile world.  I’m confident we are up to the challenge; as long as we continue to accelerate rather than coast through the finish line.
  5. Spring 2020 Diploma Pick-Up – This Monday, June 22, from 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. and this Tuesday, June 23, from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., we are giving students an opportunity to pick up their graduation boxes early. This will be a drive-thru format happening in the Ag/Auto parking lot. All boxes not picked up will be mailed at the end of the week. Boxes include their diploma, cap, tassel, 2020 Grad t-shirt, honor cords, veteran cords, PTK stole, and Nursing pin (if applicable).
  6. $500 stipend – Reminder that the $500 (gross) stipend will be deposited into everyone’s bank accounts tomorrow Friday, June 19 for all those eligible.
  7. Reorganization – Congratulations to Connie Haberkorn on her promotion to HR/Benefits & Compensation Manager effective July 1.
  8. All College Zoom – Reminder to attend the all College Zoom meeting Wednesday July 1 11:00-12:00 if you can make it. More details on the above topics and other College updates will be shared.  Looking forward to seeing everyone’s smiling faces once again!

Whew, what a list and I didn’t even mention ERP once!

Stay safe and enjoy the summer making memories with your families.  Best to you all!

Posted in COVID-19