Update From President, Jason S. Wood, Ph.D. – Jan 31, 2021

Greetings, Colleagues!

Perhaps a shorter weekly update will be appreciated, or at least forgiven. 😊

Here is an update:

  1. Economic Outlook
    1. Senator Marklein sent this update on Friday regarding the state’s financial situation. There is reason to believe improvements can be seen in the state’s finances.
    2. Our enrollment figures are trending in the right direction and we are grateful for everyone’s good work to help make the difference for the student closest to you.  A few months ago we were facing near 7% declines and as of last week we are approximately 4.5% down.
    3. Caleb White and Kelly Kelly presented the 2019-2020 financial audit to the Board.  We received a “clean” audit and the Board commended Caleb, Kelly, and their teams for their excellent work.
    4. The second round of federal relief funds has arrived.  We will have nearly $400,000 to distribute directly to students impacted by the pandemic.  There is also $1.4 million to help with lost revenue due to lower enrollments, lapsed state funding, or operational costs.  We can also use some of the money to invest in student success efforts moving forward.  We have one year to spend the funds and will use the budget process to help prioritize and allocate the resources.
  2. Morna Foy, Wisconsin Technical College System President, joined Wisconsin Public Radio for a 30 minute Q/A with some call in conversations – good view from the broader state-wide perspective.  You will probably be reminded of specific examples of our college’s response to the pandemic…we should be proud. 😊
  3. Kudos to…
    1. Betsy Tollefson for recognizing Natalie Long!  Betsy was grateful Natalie helped her get access to the Chronicle of Higher Education.  I’m sure Natalie will help you if you are interested.  Thanks, Natalie!
    2. Cynde Larsen for recognizing Gin Reynolds who helped develop a COVID vaccine tracker to keep everything organized.  Well done, Gin!

I hope you have a great week…please remember how grateful we are for your good work helping students learn!

Take care,


Posted in General