Update From President, Jason S. Wood, Ph.D. – Feb 5, 2021

Dear Southwest Tech Family and Friends,

So many of you are working extremely diligently to serve our students and each other.  We are grateful for your efforts and appreciate what you accomplish.  You literally improve people’s lives through your actions and behaviors.  We appreciate the emphasis you place on adding a personal and caring touch to every interaction with others.  And, because we are a comprehensive college with many great things happening everywhere, we know it is also important for you to recharge and rejuvenate.  Please choose what works best for you and make a dedicated effort to care for yourself.  And, as always, if you have any suggestions on what we can do as a college to support you, please let me know.

It’s too bad my connectivity was so compromised during the forum yesterday.  I am grateful other people stepped up and filled in so well.  If you have thoughts, questions, or comments, please let me know.  Because we did have so many updates from around the college yesterday during the forum, here are only two additional topics:

  1. Beating COVID in 2021:
    1. As mentioned during the College Update yesterday, we are actively finding ways to safely bring more classes and services back to campus in an in-person format.  If you have thoughts and ideas, please communicate with your supervisor and someone from the COVID Operations Team.
    2. The most recent information we have indicates vaccines will be available for people designated as “1-B” which means those who work directly with students in higher education.  Our best understanding is that this will apply to many of our faculty and staff.  We think there is a strong possibility for vaccinations to begin before the end of the month. While this is all very nuanced and emerging, we are being patient and attentive and will provide more information as it becomes available.
    3. Planning for the May graduation ceremony is underway.  We are committed to doing something in-person even if for small groups of people at any one time.  Those preparing the event will explore creative options, probably unique when compared to anything we’ve ever done in the past, which celebrate our students’ success while keeping people safe.  Suggestions welcome!
  2. Special Edition of Kudos: Singular focus on…
    1. Pete Esser for authoring and publishing a math for nurses book!  His text book is titled, “Dimensional Analysis in Nursing”.  Pete very generously donates the proceeds to a scholarship fund for nursing students at Southwest Tech.  He keeps the price of the book low so students can afford it.  In addition to the textbook, there are supplemental quizzes, tests, powerpoints, videos and more to help people learn.  Wow, Pete!  You have been doing this kind of awesomeness for a long time at the college.  We acknowledge your expertise.  We appreciate your efforts to help students learn. We are grateful for your generosity.  Most importantly, we are glad you are part of the Southwest Tech family!

Finally, as it appears we will endure a cold weather front for several days during the coming week, please travel safely.  If you need something, please let me know and I will be happy to do my best to help.  In the meantime, stay healthy, be happy, and know that we care about you very much.



Posted in COVID-19, Update