Good afternoon, campus community:

  1. Classes are canceled next week (with the exception of essential emergency services training) and the college will be open Monday morning at 11:00 am for current students who need campus services.  Faculty and Staff should report to work on Monday, March 16 at 8:00 am.  External guests other than those providing essential services are prohibited from campus. If you need assistance we have many options available to continue to serve our district, please contact the college by emailing covid19response@swtc.edu.
  2. Please note that Charley’s, the dining room, and the fitness center are closed and not available for use. Food Services, Student Housing, Knox Learning Center, Bookstore, and the Child Care Center will remain open.
  3. Faculty and staff who are experiencing flu-like or CV-like symptoms must stay home and shall report their conditions to their supervisor and HR.  Faculty and staff who have recently traveled out of the country must self-quarantine and work remotely.  We encourage employees to consider their personal situation and exercise good judgment when deciding to stay home or report for work.  If you chose not to come to work because you feel unsafe or because of other circumstances please work with your supervisor to review your work-from-home options or to understand your other options.  We trust you to do what is best for your personal health and well-being.  Please practice social distancing protocol.  We know our faculty and staff are smart and highly adaptable people and we trust you to make the best decisions for you and each of your unique situations. We are asking for clear and consistent communication between you, your supervisor, and Human Resources. Please use this link to report any travel outside of our five-county service district since March 1.
  4. Daycare will remain open but we are evaluating the current situation daily. At this time we cannot accept children for additional contracted hours. If you chose to keep your child home you will not be charged.
  5. The goal of campus remaining open is to prepare for remote work and instruction and serve our students who may need food, internet, counseling, or other services.

Revised Instruction Schedule

  • March 16-20 All classes canceled with the exception of essential emergency services training. Faculty and staff prepare for the alternative delivery methods to ensure students have a continuous path to graduation and to provide services to our students in need. Service areas will meet to prepare students for this current situation and provide support for the transition.
  • March 20 -April 3 Classes in alternative delivery
  • April 6 Face-to-face classes resume and as normal
  • April 9-13 Spring Holiday – no classes

Faculty: Communication with your students and your dean is essential.  Please use the time you have next week to communicate with your students regarding your expectations for assignments and class participation.  Please insist on the use of Southwest Tech’s email system.  Remember to be compassionate when working with students and their personal situations.  I cannot stress enough how important it will be to create a successful delivery model for your course after the extended time off.  Please let your department Dean know what your plans will be during the upcoming 4 weeks so they can communicate with you.

Staff: Communication with your supervisor is essential.  There will be time next week to work on business continuity planning and your input and perspective are important elements to continuing services for students.  Please be creative in exploring options and compassionate for all of our diverse student needs.

We are all in this together and, despite the need for social distancing and isolation, we can be grateful for our common commitment to the health and well-being of our entire college family.  Please remember to sensitively empathize with those who are sick and others who are responsible to care for people who are the most vulnerable.  Stay healthy, my friends.


Jason S. Wood, Ph.D.
President, Southwest Tech

Posted in COVID-19