Sara Bahl | ’02 Accounting graduate

At Southwest Tech we are proud to welcome back our graduates as employees of the college. Our employees are able to support students in the same way that they were supported while a student at Southwest Tech.

Today’s spotlight is on Sara Bahl, a 2002 Accounting program graduate who now serves as the Financial Aid Assistant/Accounting Bursar.

I was a young mom when I looked at Southwest Tech. I needed to know that I could have the flexibility to not only get an education but also have time to work and still be able to care for my daughter. I didn’t really give any other college a thought because the first day I stepped into the doors of Southwest Tech I felt welcomed.  Connie Larson was my advisor and she was so kind, it was clear she wanted to make sure every student that came into her office succeeded.  I explained my situation to her and it was clear she listened.  Our first stop on our tour, was the childcare center.  I met Jo Taylor and I knew immediately Lexi was going to be well taken care of and at the time, my classes were literally down the hall.  I could check on her at any point during the day. My decision was quickly made there after as we stopped by a couple of the classrooms. I knew immediately, I had found the college for me.  Small class sizes, faculty and staff who truly care for you, and most importantly an education to start my career!

I started in a full-time position my last semester of college as a Billing Specialist at Milprint, Inc. in Lancaster (now Amcor), I worked in various positions in the accounting department, until moving into a Human Resources/Payroll position. That is when a Foundation position became available at Southwest Tech. I was hired as a Foundation Assistant and after a short while transferred over to the Financial Aid department, and the rest is history!

Southwest Tech has come full circle for me. In addition to the part-time job I held, I had to depend on financial aid to support me through college.  I am now helping students who need that same support in my current position at Southwest Tech. I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity.  I knew I had found “my spot” all those years ago and once again found my way back when I started working for the college over six years ago! I get to work with our students on a daily basis to navigate the world of financial aid and student employment.  I look forward to the interactions I have with students.

I think every student should get involved in some way, shape, or form. Get to know your peers, hear their stories, and don’t forget to tell yours as well.  You never know when your story will leave an impact on someone else.

Outside of work, my most favorite thing to do is spend time with my kiddos, we really enjoy taking Sunday drives, especially on nice days, which if we are lucky enough, will also include an ice cream run.  I also enjoy helping others whether at church or through the kid’s school activities.

I am most proud of my family. We are a tight knit unit that has been through many obstacles in life, but we have faced them together and that has only made us stronger.

Original source: Sara Bahl | ’02 Accounting graduate

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