News Release

For Immediate Release

Contact: Katie Glass, Executive Director of Marketing/Public Information Officer
Phone: 608.822.2411
Mail: 1800 Bronson Blvd., Fennimore, WI 53809
Date of Release: June 1, 2020

Southwest Wisconsin Technical College Announces Return to Campus Plan

Fennimore, Wis. -

Southwest Wisconsin Technical College completed phase one (March 23 – June 1) on the college’s return to campus plan and is on pace for face-to-face instruction this fall. In compliance with Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers ordering the closure of all non-essential business, Southwest Tech transitioned education to an online format beginning March 23. After two weeks of planning and with new safety requirements in place, students in programs that teach essential workers returned to campus to complete their required face-to-face instruction. All students that required face-to-face instruction were able to return to campus later to complete their graduation requirements.

During this time, Southwest Tech’s Emergency Operations Team (EOT) has been actively gathering information to inform the multi-scenario plan for reopening campus. The team is closely following the trends and striving to understand the entirety of the pandemic. These guidelines have been developed in conjunction with county health officials, Districts Mutual Insurance Company, and legal counsel while adhering to the guidelines set by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, principles of infectious disease control, and the Badger Bounce Back Plan (the original file was removed, so we are linking to the “Parents Page” from DHS). Planning began by collecting feedback from each employee, and then the EOT met with all supervisors at the college. Last, the team reviewed all the submitted documents and then used compiled data to inform the plan for faculty, staff, and students to return to campus.

Southwest Tech Vice President for Administrative Services, Caleb White, is leading the Emergency Operations Team. White said, “Amazing and intense work is being done by many dedicated and passionate colleagues. I have much appreciation for both the work that’s been done and is yet to come. It’s the reason we are able to confidently say that we are very close to completing 100 percent of the face-to-face instruction from the spring term. We are currently hosting the Law Enforcement 720 Academy, and this fall plans are to resume all face-to-face instruction with new safety protocols in place.”

The college shared the Returning to Campus Guidelines and Policies with faculty, staff, and the public last week. In the document, there are guidelines, the three-phase return to campus; safety protocols including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), instructional safety protocols, and personal safety; frequently asked questions; training plan, policies, and the staffing plan for June – July 2020. These guidelines provide information for Phase 2 (June 1 – Aug. 1) of the Return to Campus initiative.

Southwest Wisconsin Technical College’s Returning to Campus Guidelines and Policies is now available on the college’s COVID-19 updates webpage. 

|Southwest Wisconsin Technical College is one of 16 institutions that comprise the Wisconsin Technical College System. Southwest Tech offers more than 60 programs in a wide variety of disciplines. Courses are offered on campus, online, and in a blended format. The college provides apprenticeship, certificate, technical diploma, and associate degree programs that respond to district workforce needs and prepare students for family-sustaining jobs and career advancement.|

Contact: Katie Glass

Executive Director of Marketing and Emergency Response Public Information Officer


Posted in Community Event