News Release

For Immediate Release

Contact: Daniel Wackershauser, Marketing Specialist
Phone: 608.822.2303
Mail: 1800 Bronson Blvd., Fennimore, WI 53809
Date of Release: March 22, 2021

Richland Center Outreach Center profile – Janna Drier

Fennimore -

Janna Drier is a Basic Education Adjunct Instructor at the Richland Center Outreach Center.

Where are you from/where do you live?

I work where I was born and raised. My parents own and operate a dairy farm in Richland County. I grew up here and went to school in Richland Center. I went away for college, went away for the first few years of my career and came back to Richland Center after starting a family with my husband. It feels like home to me. We enjoy being close to family, the outdoors, and the sense of community.

Janna Drier

How did you get into education?

Education seemed like a natural path for me personally with my interest in learning. I was intrigued by science, math and the application of those subjects to our daily lives. Prior to coming to Southwest Tech, I taught high school science in the Columbus, Wisconsin school district. I wanted to share my interest in the science of daily life with others.

What does the outreach center offer?

The Richland Center Outreach Center offers students the opportunity for one on one or small group instruction in the subject areas most important to them. We tailor student specific education plans and implement those plans for the benefit of the student. Our goal is to prepare students for the next steps of their journey which can range from high school education completion, job placement, job retention or higher education. We’ve adapted during the challenges of COVID to deliver content and curriculum to meet those ultimate student goals using technology and communication. The outreach site also collaborates with partner agencies to further support the needs of our learners.

Why is the outreach site important to the community?

The outreach site helps remove some of the barriers students often face when seeking further education and employment opportunities in their communities. The services teach practical skills and can be completed at a pace fitting with the schedule and unique needs of the learner. These students then have more opportunities in the communities where they live.

What is it like when a student earns his/her GED/HSED?

The best way to describe the completion of a GED or HSED is a burst of confidence! It is wonderful to see students accomplish something they never thought possible or overcame what they thought were insurmountable barriers. You see students with their head held a little higher. With one step in education complete, many who never saw further education in their future now give a second serious thought to further learning.

• To learn more about resources offered at Southwest Tech Outreach Centers, visit

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