Update From President, Jason S. Wood, Ph.D. – March 27, 2021


Hopefully this email finds you well.  I look forward to in-service on Thursday, April 1 – no joke!  The agenda is attached.

Here is an update on a few happenings from around the college:

  1. Overcoming COVID in 2021:  We continue to encourage people to get vaccinated, wear masks, maintain physical distance, and wash hands regularly.  If you don’t feel well, please stay home.  Much more information will be shared at in-service regarding our continual efforts to re-open campus as safely as realistically possible.
  2. Health Insurance:  Two options have been presented on multiple occasions over the last year – see the email from Connie Haberkorn on 2/24/2021.  If you have questions, please contact Connie Haberkorn who can outline how you will be impacted.  The Board discussed the topic without indicating their preference as we are still gathering feedback.  At this point I am leaning towards recommending we invest in updating our benefits rather than absorbing the increased costs and here are my top three reasons why:
    1. Adding two additional tiers provides faculty/staff with options more closely aligned with their personal situation.
    2. Investing in Health Savings Accounts with additional funds, instead of using a very similar amount paid directly to the insurance company, incentivizes healthier behavior which reduces costs.
    3. Providing encouragement and training for better health care consumerism lowers the possibility of rate increases over time.  Updating the plan draws attention to this issue – see attached suggestions and the attached College Wellness initiative which needs much higher participation to make a difference.
  3. I’ve been asked to testify in the state senate and could receive questions on the following topics:
    1. Here are the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) 2021-2023 budget request and legislative priorities.  You can read the attached white paper on one of our highest priorities related to technical college transfer options for students.  Many thanks to our partners who are providing letters of support including Platteville School District, Grant County Economic Development, City of Prairie du Chien, Fennimore Economic Development, Sielaff Corporation, Gunderson Health, Crossing Rivers Hospital, Fennimore School District, and Southwest Tech Student Senate.  We expect more over the next few weeks as well.  Special thanks to Senator Marklein and Representative Novak for being co-sponsors of the 36.31 bill.
    1. We are well aware of the University of Wisconsin system changes and potential impacts on technical colleges after UW System President, Tommy Thompson, spoke publicly about mergers and/or consolidation.  I remain staunchly opposed to any consideration of any proposal that limits our local boards authority or curbs the responsibilities of the WTCS’s.  We are well aware of University of Wisconsin – Platteville and UW Richland recently adding associate degrees in agriculture and business without collaboration, communication, or consideration for us as a potential partner or our long-standing history of exceeding the local needs in both areas.  There are a few conversations occurring now and I am both hopeful and committed to rectifying the issues and establishing a mutually beneficial and respectful approach to new growth.  I do, however, remain cautious as current UW plans include adding programs we already have in place like childcare, dual credit, pre-college offerings, etc. I firmly believe a strong and healthy UW is beneficial to us and our communities and we achieve optimal strength and health by working together.  In fact, at the personal level, a UWP student called me this semester when his car broke down and I was happy to give him a ride to work.  In the meantime, we will continue to support universities, both public and private, who help our students have successful transfer experiences.
  4. Equity and Inclusivity lead to Diversity – Southwest Tech Respect Pledge
    1. My heart goes out to the lives lost and the people directly impacted by the ongoing senseless violence.  Some of the motives apparently focus on people because of their race, like in the Atlanta, Georgia tragedy.  Racism is wrong.  Other incidents have less obvious motives, like in Boulder, Colorado.  Whether it is the high rate of arsons targeting churches or criminals attacking businesses because they cater to LGBTQ people, I am saddened by the unnecessary assaults on human dignity.  We must do better by living our Charger Pledge: respecting people especially when they have different beliefs or values and always defending the dignity and humanity of people.  At Southwest Tech we are kind and caring as we serve our students and communities.
    2. In our last Leadership Council meeting we spent time exploring our individual Emotional Intelligence.  It was very refreshing to share our unique strengths with each other as well as identify areas we’d like to develop. Diverse mindsets, perspectives, and backgrounds all serve to strengthen our college.  Hopefully your supervisor provides you with an opportunity to do this exercise in your own teams.
    3. We will continue training for emergency situations which will include simulations of active violence and related scenarios.  If you have personal reasons for not participating or need additional mental health support, please speak with someone in Human Resources and your medical provider. And, more importantly, please be willing to respect others, especially those of different colors, creeds, or causes.  Our formal Commitment to Progress is timely and can be effective.  Kindness is among the best remedies I can recommend as a solution.
  5. Kudos to…
    1. The entire college community!  We are excited to host the STAR Event (Southwest Tech Appreciation and Recognition) on May 21.  With all that we’ve been through this year, I am grateful we will take some much deserved time to celebrate, especially since the outcomes of our work will be manifested the very next day at graduation.

Please know I care about you a great deal.  If you need something, please let me know how I can help and I’ll do my best to be of assistance.

Take care,


Posted in COVID-19, Update