News Release

For Immediate Release

Contact: Daniel Wackershauser, Marketing and PR Specialist
Phone: 608.822.2303
Mail: 1800 Bronson Blvd., Fennimore, WI 53809
Date of Release: April 19, 2021

Wacker secures dream opportunity with Tesla

Fennimore -

For Tyler Wacker, working for Tesla has always been the end goal. An electro-mechanic student at Southwest Wisconsin Technical College, Wacker is set to graduate this May. Wacker, a Janesville, Wisconsin native, will be working for Tesla in California as an equipment maintenance technician.

Even before he had applied to Southwest Tech, Wacker knew that he wanted to work for Tesla and would stop at nothing to achieve his goal. After carefully considering his options, Wacker found he would be most successful at SWTC. He decided that to best reach his goal, he would pursue a degree in Electro-mech.

Wacker believes that his time at SWTC is what best set him apart from other candidates. At SWTC, Wacker found knowledgeable instructors, help perfecting his resume and cover letter, was prepared for interviews and help finding jobs to apply for.

“I chose SWTC because of what the program has to offer,” he said. “I heard about the opening for Tesla through an email from the school, encouraging me to apply. I think I stood out compared to other candidates because of the wide range of different fields I have learned about at SWTC.”

Wacker is excited to graduate in May and is looking forward to starting his new adventure in California. Wacker is a prime example that with hard work, dedication, and a goal, anything is within reach.

By Carley Rider

Marketing Assistant

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