Hired Before Graduation – Kayla Kephart
Name: Kayla Kephart
Hometown: Fennimore, Wisconsin
Graduation date: May 19, 2018
Area of study: Human Services
Place of employment: Wisconsin Early Autism Project
Job responsibilities: I work directly one to one with a child who has autism and their family in their home. I help children develop and improve skills they may be lacking such as brushing their teeth and hair, eating, and interacting with other children.
How did Southwest Tech prepare you for your current position? My classes have provided very valuable information on how to deal with certain situations while out working in the field. I’ve taken classes that deal with children, diversities, ethics, interviewing and counseling, disabilities, and numerous psychology classes.
Why did you choose your current field? I’m interested in the psychology field and this degree at SWTC has opportunities to transfer to other four-year schools to receive a bachelor’s degree.
What advice would you have for younger students who are thinking about their future? Take time to job shadow. Also, it’s totally okay to change your mind.