For Immediate Release
Contact: Kim Schmelz, Foundation Director
Phone: 608.822.2379
Mail: 1800 Bronson Blvd., Fennimore, WI 53809
Date of Release: December 10, 2019
Chargers Cupboard the focus of Giving Tuesday efforts
Fennimore -
Students (front row L-R) Honesti Runde, Molly Andersen and Megan Campbell pose with the food that was donated during the “Get Festive to Fill the Cupboard” event.
FENNIMORE, Wis. – The Southwest Tech Foundation raised more than $5,500 on Giving Tuesday (Dec. 3) through cash and in-kind donations for its “Giving Foods Day” campaign focused on raising money for the on-campus food pantry, the Chargers Cupboard.
The Chargers Cupboard has been on campus since 2007. The idea of having an on-campus food pantry started when faculty and staff saw a need for it from students. The use of the Chargers Cupboard saw a steady increase this fall with a need to dedicate more resources and attention to it in order to continue the services students had been receiving.
Visiting the Chargers Cupboard is easy and students can currently visit once a week and take two bags of groceries per visit. “Last month the Chargers Cupboard was visited 107 times by students, that’s a 37 percent increase from last year at this time,” said Natalie Long, academic resource specialist at Southwest Tech. Long is responsible for inventory of the Chargers Cupboard. “We order from Second Harvest Food Bank every two weeks, but donations to the cupboard can make a big impact. Our highest needs are peanut butter, single serve meals, cereal, frozen pizza, hygiene products and healthy snack options for our students.”
The Southwest Tech Foundation hosted an online giving campaign that showed the campaign had 64 donors and raised $5,774. These donations included in-kind gifts from faculty and staff who brought items to an on-campus event “Get Festive to Fill the Cupboard.” Faculty, staff, and students were encouraged to attend the event, drop off a donation and enjoy soup, cookies, hot chocolate and skate on an iceless skating rink. That event alone raised more than $900 in cash donations and in-kind gifts.
“Thank you to the many people who contributed a gift to help our students. Your generosity will provide basic resources to people who are pursuing an education in order to improve their lives. We truly can make a difference when we kindly sacrifice so others have better opportunities.”
The Southwest Tech Foundation was incorporated in 1980 to identify, solicit, and manage alternative funding sources to support the commitment to excellence of Southwest Wisconsin Technical College. The Foundation is dedicated to providing financial support for Southwest Tech’s programs, students and staff. For more information on how to support scholarships or other support funds, contact the Southwest Tech Foundation at 608.822.2379.
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College is one of 16 institutions that comprise the Wisconsin Technical College System. Southwest Tech offers more than 60 programs in a wide variety of disciplines. Courses are offered on campus, online and in a blended format. The college provides apprenticeship, certificate, technical diploma, and associate degree programs that respond to district workforce needs and prepare student for family-sustaining jobs and career advancement.