For Immediate Release
Contact: Daniel Wackershauser, Marketing and PR Specialist
Phone: 608.822.2303
Mail: 1800 Bronson Blvd., Fennimore, WI 53809
Date of Release: March 1, 2024
Collaboration leads to waste audit
Fennimore -
A partnership between Southwest Tech and UW-Platteville has resulted in a unique opportunity. Senior design students in UW-Platteville’s Sustainable and Renewable Energy Systems program are collaborating with a student in Southwest Tech’s Sustainable Energy Management program to help improve sustainability efforts in the campus dining services department. The goal is for the students to conduct a feasibility study to explore the options of switching from single use items to reusable materials within the Southwest Tech Cafeteria.

Part of the information the students need to complete for this project includes data regarding how much of the garbage from the dining facilities is single use items. In order to gather this data, the students conducted a waste audit. They measured the weight and volume of the garbage and recycling material generated in the dining facilities across a few days. The garbage was then sorted to determine what is being thrown away. Students will analyze their findings to guide their suggestions for improving the campus’ sustainability efforts.
“Although this was a messy and a bit smelly, the students were very pleased with both the process and the outcome of the project,” said Ashley Wojtalewicz, Sustainable Energy Management instructor at Southwest Tech. “They were excited to have gathered such meaningful data, and now will work towards putting that data to good use.”