News Release

For Immediate Release

Contact: Daniel Wackershauser, Marketing Specialist
Phone: 608.822.2303
Mail: 1800 Bronson Blvd., Fennimore, WI 53809
Date of Release: January 14, 2022

Employees volunteer time to make beds for local children

Fennimore -

(L-R) Dr. Cynde Larsen, Executive Dean of Health Occupations; Scott Kennedy, Golf Course Management Instructor; Mike Steffel, Web Analyst/Programmer; and Maria Kindrai, Nursing Instructor, sand wood as part of the Sleep in Heavenly Peace – Grant County Build Day.

A few hours of sweat equity on campus will result in children sleeping better in Grant County. On Jan. 11, as part of the college’s in-service, 31 Southwest Tech employees volunteered with Sleep in Heavenly Peace – Grant County (SHP) to hand-make materials for 26 beds. The Build Day was held in the college’s carpentry shop area. Employees sanded, cut, sawed and assembled bed frame pieces that will be used by children in need in the county. “When you tell people what you are doing they want to know when they can come help,” said Leon Neuheisel, Platteville, Wisconsin, one of the members who comprise the core team for SHP – Grant County. The others include Brad Biddick, Livingston, Wisconsin; Frank Steck, Platteville; Hap Daus, Platteville; Chuck Smet, Platteville; Hannah Coder, Platteville; and Lexi Jensen, Platteville.

Ryan Weigel (R), Animal Science Instructor, gets some instruction during this week’s Build Day event.

Campus officials were looking for a way to give back to a local non-profit organization. Through research and recommendations, SHP was chosen. Facilities staff helped find a location on site for the build and everything fell into place. “This was a great opportunity for our employees to again show how committed they are in caring for others,” said Dr. Jason Wood, Southwest Tech president. “Many of our employees volunteer their time and talents in their own communities. I am extremely proud of the participation we had.”

The Grant County chapter of SHP was formed in December 2020. Neuheisel noted they have had the assistance of more than 200 volunteers since then. They delivered 81 beds in 2021, their first year, and expect to deliver 150 beds this year. “It’s a very rewarding experience to see the smiles on the kids’ faces, the appreciation that the parent or parents express to you because we are providing something for them that they haven’t been able to do for their own kids,” he said. “We are always looking for people to help deliver the beds.”

The Build Day at Southwest Tech was the first time the local group has gone off site. The builds up to this point have been done at a home base in Grant County. “I think everything went well,” said Neuheisel.

The group started out small, initially in December 2020 and has grown since. Neuheisel noted they began with the core team and a couple of small builds and have grown the operation. “Our biggest problem is trying to utilize everyone who wants to help,” he said.

During the early days they also didn’t know the extend of the need for these beds in the county or even if there was a need. “You can drive by a home 100 times and never know they are sleeping on the floor,” said Neuheisel.

SHP – Grant County receives referrals from county social services agencies, school districts, police departments and others. There is also the opportunity for individuals to request a bed through its website.

Material donations come primarily from Lowe’s, with financial donations coming from the community.

The beds are assembled when they are delivered to the homes. Each bed is made from scratch and includes a mattress, pillows and bedding.

For more information about SHP – Grant County, contact Neuheisel at 608.642.0135 or To request a bed, go to

About Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Founded in Kimberly, Idaho in 2012, Sleep in Heavenly Peace is the only charity providing hand-made bunk beds to children who don’t have beds of their own. Volunteers deliver the beds to children in need. They also partner with organizations, churches, businesses and individuals to build the beds at events called Build Days.

| Southwest Wisconsin Technical College is one of 16 institutions that comprise the Wisconsin Technical College System. Southwest Tech offers more than 60 programs in a wide variety of disciplines. Courses are offered on campus, online and in a blended format. The college provides apprenticeship, certificate, technical diploma, and associate degree programs that respond to district workforce needs and prepare student for family-sustaining jobs and career advancement. |

Posted in Community Event