For Immediate Release
Contact: Daniel Wackershauser, Marketing and PR Specialist
Phone: 608.822.2303
Mail: 1800 Bronson Blvd., Fennimore, WI 53809
Date of Release: December 2, 2020
Enhancements made to Auto Collision program
Fennimore -

End of an era. The final summer class poses with the Camaro project in July. Pictured (L-R), graduates and their place of employment: Drake Kasten, Lone Rock, Al’s Auto Body, La Crosse, Wis.; Jacob Moellers, Mineral Point, Wis., Collision Specialists, Fennimore, Wis.; and Ethan Anderson, Seneca, Wis., Koenig Performance, LaCrosse, Wis.
The Auto Collision Repair and Refinish Technician program at Southwest Wisconsin Technical College is now strictly a two-semester program. The final summer session completed in 2020 with three graduates. The program continues with upgraded fall and spring semesters. Graduates earn a technical diploma and a wide variety of employment opportunities in the industry.
“We have taken the program and enhanced the courses in the two semesters, allowing the students the opportunity to get into the workforce with important skills that employers need,” said Greg Wubben, Auto Collision instructor. “Our graduates are always in high demand and we expect these program changes to continue that demand.”
The Auto Collision Repair and Refinish Technician program teaches students to determine type and extent of damaged parts, both cosmetic and structural. During the year, the students learn MIG welding, straightening techniques, panel alignment, surface preparation, and refinishing techniques.
More information about the program can be found at