News Release

For Immediate Release

Contact: Daniel Wackershauser, Marketing Specialist
Phone: 608.822.2303
Mail: 1800 Bronson Blvd., Fennimore, WI 53809
Date of Release: March 19, 2021

Fennimore Outreach Center profile – Robin Dickman

Fennimore -

Robin Dickman is Basic Education Adjunct Instructor at the Fennimore Outreach Center.

Where are you from/where do you live? 

​I live in Richland Center, Wisconsin.

Robin Dickman

How did you get into education?  

I went into education because I love learning and I love school. I want to spread my love for learning to everyone I meet.

What do you enjoy about teaching?  ​

My most favorite part of teaching is my students. They always make me smile. I also love learning from them; they are my best teachers. I learn something from them every day.

What does the outreach site offer?  ​

The Fennimore Outreach Center offers an alternate education for high school students through their school districts. It also prepares adults to take the GED battery of tests and offers ways for them to attain their High School Equivalency Diploma.  Community members can also come to the classroom to improve their Employability Skills or learn computer skills.

Why is the outreach site important to the community?

The Outreach Center is a vital resource for the community. It is the first step for community members without a high school diploma to get employment or improve employment or enroll in college or technical program.

What is it like when a student earns his/her GED/HSED? 

It is an accomplishment that opens many doors for the future.

What feedback have you received from students who have received training or education at the site?

Students are happy and proud to reach the goal of a diploma. Many high school contract students are grateful to be able to earn an HSED while taking some SWTC classes for college credit as well.

• To learn more about resources offered at Southwest Tech Outreach Centers, visit

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