For Immediate Release
Contact: Daniel Wackershauser, Marketing and PR Specialist
Phone: 608.822.2303
Mail: 1800 Bronson Blvd., Fennimore, WI 53809
Date of Release: April 15, 2021
Majority of faculty and staff complete COVID-19 vaccine
Fennimore -Southwest Wisconsin Technical College faculty and staff, including student employees were together again April 9. They filtered through the Ag/Auto Building to receive their second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

Rylee Romano, a Southwest Tech nursing student, monitors the employees after they receive their COVID-19 vaccine.
Through a collaboration with the Grant County Health Department, Grant Regional Health Center, and Southwest Tech, college staff received their first vaccine dose on Friday, March 12 and their second one on Friday, April 9. Southwest Tech staff and nursing students assisted Grant Regional Health Center personnel during both clinics.
“My extreme appreciation to everyone who has helped,” said Dr. Jason Wood, Southwest Tech president.
During the first clinic, of the 185 eligible staff members, 112 received the Moderna vaccine. The April 9 clinic saw 113 staff members receive the vaccine.
“It feels good to be vaccinated,” said Wood. “I appreciate being part of the solution here at Southwest Tech in offering that clinic to our faculty, staff and students. Hopefully, that will help us to be able to open campus. Just a small step today, but it’s been a long journey.”
Each staff member was scheduled for the clinic at the same time April 9 as they were on March 12. Upon arrival they checked in and waited their turn in line. After a brief overview, they received their second dose, and were instructed to wait for 15 minutes, in case of any side effects.

Connie Haberkorn, HR/Benefits and Compensation Manager (right) checks in Holly Clendenen, Chief of Student Services, during the recent COVID-19 vaccine clinic.
According to organizers, the system flowed very well during both clinics.
Southwest Tech is operating with safety protocols in place on campus. Current information about the college’s COVID-19 response can be found at
- In addition, the Grant County Health Department will be providing 100 doses of the Moderna vaccine on Monday, April 19 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at Southwest Tech’s Public Safety Complex. The vaccine is free and is available to those 18 years and older. It requires two doses. The second one will be delivered May 17 at the follow-up clinic. This clinic is open to students, employees and the entire college community.
| Southwest Wisconsin Technical College is one of 16 institutions that comprise the Wisconsin Technical College System. Southwest Tech offers more than 60 programs in a wide variety of disciplines. Courses are offered on campus, online and in a blended format. The college provides apprenticeship, certificate, technical diploma, and associate degree programs that respond to district workforce needs and prepare student for family-sustaining jobs and career advancement. |