News Release

For Immediate Release

Contact: Kim Schmelz, Foundation Director
Phone: 608.822.2379
Mail: 1800 Bronson Blvd., Fennimore, WI 53809
Date of Release: August 6, 2020

Moyer and Nickels leave Southwest Tech Board with 54 years of combined service

Fennimore -

The Southwest Wisconsin Technical College District Board meeting on July 8 looked different and not just because it was held virtually. The District Board said goodbye to two longstanding board members in June. Russ Moyer had served 40 years and Eileen Nickels had served for 14.

Moyer, a US Army veteran and a farmer in Barneveld owns 560 acres and milks 260 dairy cows three times a day. Moyer started service in 1980 after seeing an ad in the newspaper about the opening on the board. He was serving on the Barneveld School Board and this was his first introduction to Southwest Tech. “My family was so supportive of me serving,” said Moyer.

Moyer noted that he was the first board member to serve in every officer position on the Southwest Tech board. He served as board chair for four years or two terms.  Moyer was also proud that he had been able to work with five college presidents including Ron Anderson, Dr. Richard Rogers, Dr. Karen Knox, Dr. Duane Ford and current president Dr. Jason Wood. “Every one of them has been different but they have all been good.”

“Russ Moyer’s near 40-year tenure as a board member is an impressive accomplishment, both for his longevity as well as for his passionate service,” said President Wood.  “Russ has led the college in producing thousands of graduates for the workforce, improving economic development, and providing opportunities for many people.  We sincerely thank Russ for everything he has contributed over the years and wish him the very best moving forward.”

Moyer’s advice to incoming board members was to vote the way you feel. “I’m going to miss the local board members, those I served with on the Districts Boards Association and the Wisconsin Technical College System board. Southwest Tech is a wonderful place and it holds a special place in my heart.”

Nickels is a retired realtor from Platteville and an experienced elected official, serving on Platteville’s City Council for several years. Nickels started her term in 2006 as a way to support the college. “Whether you’re transitioning from high school or getting retrained, the college touches every aspect of a person’s life. I felt like I wanted to support that,” said Nickels. “Serving on the board made me appreciate the role Southwest Tech plays in Southwest Wisconsin.

One of her first memories was the referendum passing. “It was remarkable that the citizens of the Southwest Tech district passed that,” she said. “It was very impressive.”

Nickels has also been impressed with the way the college always puts students first. “The mantra of ‘students are the reason we are all here’ is evident in everything the college does. The faculty and staff believe in the students, they put them first and they give back to support them. You feel good advocating for the college because it is such a caring community.”

“We are thankful Eileen served the college as an elected official for the past 14 years,” said President Wood.  “Eileen’s quiet leadership style and background in real estate and legislative/governmental efforts were assets to the Southwest Tech District Board.  We appreciate her leadership and will miss her perspective as an elected member of a city council.”

Southwest Tech is governed by a nine-member Board elected by the 30 school board presidents of the school districts comprising the Southwest Tech district.

Southwest Wisconsin Technical College is one of 16 institutions that comprise the Wisconsin Technical College System. Southwest Tech offers more than 60 programs in a wide variety of disciplines. Courses are offered on campus, online and in a blended format. The college provides apprenticeship, certificate, technical diploma, and associate degree programs that respond to district workforce needs and prepare student for family-sustaining jobs and career advancement.

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