News Release

For Immediate Release

Contact: Kim Schmelz, Foundation Director
Phone: 608.822.2379
Mail: 1800 Bronson Blvd., Fennimore, WI 53809
Date of Release: April 23, 2018

Southwest Tech Foundation awarded $2000 from the United Fund of Iowa County

Fennimore -

The Southwest Wisconsin Technical College Foundation received a $2,000 award from the United Fund of Iowa County (UFIC) to support the Charger Dream Fund.  With this grant award, the UFIC has generously donated more than $7,000 to the Southwest Tech Foundation for the Charger Dream Fund and the Dreamkeepers program, the program that preceded the Charger Dream Fund.

The Charger Dream Fund was established with a grant from Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty Corporation to provide small emergency grants up to $500 to help low-income students weather financial emergencies. Southwest Tech data indicates that over the three years of the emergency grant program at Southwest Tech, 73% of Pell-eligible emergency grant recipients either graduated or remained enrolled. By comparison, the National Center for Education Statistics reports a 59% retention rate for all students at public two-year institutions.

“We are really grateful for the support of the United Fund of Iowa County,” said Kim Schmelz, Director of External Relations and Alumni Development. “The Charger Dream Fund has awarded grants to 33 students from Iowa County for a total of $16,772 over the past three years. Many of these students may never have gotten through their program without this additional support.”

One recipient, a single mom from Livingston, asked for help in paying her utility bill and rent.  Her financial aid did not cover the cost of her school program.  She was already in reduced rent housing and receiving Food Share, but she had gotten behind.  The grant helped her to get caught up, as she couldn’t afford to jeopardize her energy or housing.  She also received support in obtaining a student loan to get her through the remainder of the school year.  She successfully graduated in December 2017.

The mission of the UFIC is to lead a united effort that improves the quality of life in their community by striving to support community health and human service needs and to raise awareness and distribute financial resources.

For more information on how to support the Charger Dream Fund or other support funds and scholarships, contact the Southwest Tech Foundation at 608.822.2379


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