News Release

For Immediate Release

Contact: Daniel Wackershauser, Marketing Specialist
Phone: 608.822.2303
Mail: 1800 Bronson Blvd., Fennimore, WI 53809
Date of Release: August 4, 2020

Tracy takes advantage of prior learning to earn EMT certification

Fennimore -

For Janine Tracy, from Hollandale, Wis., nothing ventured is nothing gained. She is among the first in the state to earn her EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) certification by passing a CPL (Credit for Prior Learning) Challenge Exam as part of her training.

Upon passing the CPL exam, Tracy advanced to the EMT2 class at Southwest Wisconsin Technical College, bypassing the first half of the class. She recently completed the class and passed the national EMT certifications and is a licensed EMT in Wisconsin. “Her story is so valuable to all of our EMS students and how they can group classes together to achieve incremental goals towards higher certifications and opportunities for greater employment,” said Ken Bartz, EMS instructor/coordinator at Southwest Tech.

Tracy’s story began in 2010 when she saw an ad for first responders in the local newspaper. “I thought, what the heck. I’ll give it a shot and we’ll go from there,” she said.

Tracy used her 10 years of first responder experience to her advantage. A close friend kept encouraging her to become an EMT. Tracy would periodically check with Bartz on the status of the CPL exam. Once it was made available, Tracy took advantage of the opportunity. “So, I passed the test and here I am,” she said.

Tracy is originally from Lancaster and she sees her EMT volunteer work as an opportunity to meet people in the Hollandale and Blanchardville communities. “I like meeting the people of the community and going on the calls,” she said. “And I like the camaraderie of the group of first responders and EMTs.”

As for advice for others, Tracy says to never stop learning. “You never know until you try,” she said. “I am 60 years old and I am like, do I really want to try and be an EMT, but I’m like why not?”

Anyone interested in more information about the CPL Challenge Exam or the Southwest Tech EMT program, can visit or contact Bartz at

| Southwest Wisconsin Technical College is one of 16 institutions that comprise the Wisconsin Technical College System. Southwest Tech offers more than 60 programs in a wide variety of disciplines. Courses are offered on campus, online and in a blended format. The college provides apprenticeship, certificate, technical diploma, and associate degree programs that respond to district workforce needs and prepare student for family-sustaining jobs and career advancement. |

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