Alumni Spotlight – Brian and Jen Waldner
Brian Waldner is a 2003 Southwest Tech Automotive Technician graduate and started at the college in 2018, teaching the program that he graduated from. “The education I received at Southwest Tech was excellent and helped me, as an automotive technician, have a successful career both in terms of knowledge and professionalism,” said Brian. “Core abilities were taught at Southwest Tech before they were popular.” Brian’s wife Jen was a stay at home mom for over ten years while taking care of six kids. However, nursing was always a dream for her. She started taking courses a few times but stopped as she felt like it wasn’t the right time. Finally, in 2017 the time was right for Jen. “I have to say it was awesome to see my wife come alive with the content and fantastic support she received from each instructor,” Brian said. “She graduated in May of 2019 and still comments positively on the time she spent at Southwest Tech.” We are so proud of this pair of Southwest Tech graduates!