Alumni Spotlight – Tonia Breuer, 2002 Nursing graduate

We are so proud of our alumni that bring their talents and skills back to Southwest Tech as employees of the college. Not only are they wonderful employees but they are also our best ambassadors. Tonia Breuer is a 2002 Nursing Associate degree graduate who now serves as a Medical Assistant instructor.

I worked in healthcare for many years as a CMA in a local clinic (after graduating from Western Techical College for Medical Assisting) and knew many nurses that went through Southwest Tech’s nursing program.  I admired them and thought a lot of the school.

My degree in Nursing from Southwest Tech opened professional doors for me that I couldn’t have anticipated.  After graduation, I immediately starting working in Obstetrics at a local hospital and have continued to work there as a Childbirth Educator.  I love it! When I first started at Southwest Tech, I still worked at that hospital prn and also did some home health care with a ventilator patient.  Both were very rewarding and helped shape me into the nurse and person I am today.  I continued my education through Viterbo University to obtain my Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN) and I actually got to do that onsite at Southwest Tech.  When I started teaching here in the MA Program, it was a perfect fit. It just feels like “home” to me.  Southwest Tech has also been such a big  part of my life and I am proud to be a graduate from the nursing program and even more proud to be able to do this job.

As an instructor, I advise students to study hard and more importantly, study together!  Some of my fondest memories from nursing school are the study groups and the friendships made along the way. I also must comment on Southwest Tech’s Childcare Center.  The employees in the Child Care Center raised all of my daughters for me, in some way, shape, or form over the years!  They are amazing.  So as a student, if you have the opportunity, utilize our Child Care Center for your little ones!

I am a mom to 4 wonderful daughters and they are my proudest accomplishments.  My older two are both in healthcare, Claire is a CMA and Olivia is an RN, I am so proud of them!  My younger two are amazing as well and teach me to be a better version of myself all of the time.  My faith is strong, my family is important to me, and being the best instructor, nurse, mom, wife, sister, and friend are what I am constantly striving towards.

Original source: Alumni Spotlight – Tonia Breuer, 2002 Nursing graduate

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