Hired Before Graduation – Jennifer Waldner

Name: Jennifer Waldner

Hometown: Richland Center, Wisconsin

Graduation date: May 18, 2019

Area of study: Nursing

Place of employment: Gundersen – St. Joseph’s Hospital

Job responsibilities: RN position on medical surgical floor

How did Southwest Tech prepare you for your current position? The wonderful nursing instructors at Southwest Tech not only prepared me in the classroom with theory but taught me how to think critically and apply what I was learning while on the floor at clinical.

Why did you choose your field of study? I think every nurse is drawn to the field because of a desire to help others. Nursing is a rewarding career filled with responsibility and reward. The nursing field will give me varied opportunities for a career. There is also the ability to change from one realm of nursing to another, and flexibility in schedules – which is important to me as I’m balancing family life with work.

What advice would you have for other students thinking about advancing their education? Just go for it! If you are thinking about pursuing a career, or you just want to take a class to further your career, Southwest Tech has wonderful instructors and staff who want you to succeed! Do not let your age, your current education level or your current situation keep you from making a better life for yourself, and family.

Original source: Hired Before Graduation – Jennifer Waldner

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