Hired Before Graduation – Joscelyn Habick
Name: Joscelyn Habick
Hometown: Dodgeville, Wisconsin
Graduation date: May 19, 2018
Area of study: Accounting
Place of employment: Applewhite Dental Partners – Dubuque, Iowa
Job responsibilities: I will be an accounting assistant in the accounts receivable department. I will process insurance refunds and will be doing anything that has to do with accounts payable.
How did Southwest Tech prepare you for your current position? My accounting classes were really thorough. The Excel classes really helped. I have been doing a lot with Excel in my job.
Why did you choose your current field? I originally was going to go into the health field and realized it wasn’t for me. I had no idea what accounting was when I started, so it just so happened that I really like it. I just wanted something that was completely different from the health care field.
What advice would you have for younger students who are thinking about their future? You’re normal career path is going to a university, but you get just as good of a value here.