Hired Before Graduation | Robert Benjamin Hawk

Name: Robert Benjamin Hawk

Hometown: Benton, Wisconsin

Program: Medical Laboratory Technician

Place/Location if Employment After Graduation: United Clinical Laboratories, Mercy One, Dubuque, Iowa

Position/Title: Medical Laboratory Technician

Job Responsibilities: Performing laboratory testing to ensure quality care and positive outcomes for all patients.

What are you looking forward to in your career after graduation? I’m looking forward to growing in my field of expertise, being more responsible for the care of others, and growing from those experiences.

What did you enjoy about Southwest Tech? Despite all of the hard work that was required in order to succeed, I loved every bit of it. I enjoyed coming to school every day and using hands-on experiences that were developed by your hardworking instructors to learn everything I could about my field of study. I was able to succeed because of the time and hard work that my instructors put in to give us the best learning experiences possible.

Original source: Hired Before Graduation | Robert Benjamin Hawk

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