Production agriculture is an evolving career that encourages the need for continued education to increase farm profitability and sustainability. It is critical for farm owners and managers to assess their own farm business operations on an annual basis to determine strengths and opportunities that lead to success.

Courses offered in the advanced farm management track will revolve around three main areas: livestock, financial, and crop management. Courses in all three areas will be offered in one year, however, with a different emphasis. Farm producers will be able to learn the latest research, technology, and management tools that will aid in making every day management decisions.

Class locations are offered throughout the Southwest Tech district. Current class sites are:

Upcoming Classes

Lancaster Classes

Dodgeville Classes

Some classes are offered in the evenings between the months of November and March to accommodate farm producers and their farming schedules.

Individual farm assistance is available as part of enrolling in these courses. Our instructors will meet with you individually to assist in activities that require more specific attention to your farm's needs. Individual assistance is set-up by appointment with the instructor.


Financial Assistance Opportunities

To learn about FBPM scholarships, contact a program instructor.

The following links are helpful resources related to FPBM: