Workforce Advancement Training Grants

The State of Wisconsin has designated funds to provide training to the workforce across the state.

Southwest Tech offers Workforce Advancement Training Grants aimed at fostering greater investment in Wisconsin's workforce development and extending technical college training services to address the training requirements of businesses and industries. These grants are designed to enhance the skills and efficiency of employees within established Southwest Wisconsin businesses, with a broader goal of bolstering regional economic growth and workforce development efforts in Lafayette, Grant, Iowa, Richland, and Crawford Counties. The training provided under these grants encompasses a range of academic, occupational, and employability subjects.

Projects funded by these grants are anticipated to elevate business productivity and competitiveness. Priority consideration will be given to projects that lead to increased employee wages, expanded job opportunities, or clearer connections to regional development strategies. These strategies are collaboratively formulated by employers and stakeholders in workforce and economic development.


  • Promote Increased Investment in the Development of Incumbent Workers
  • Improve Wisconsin Businesses’ Productivity & Competitiveness
  • Augment the State’s Economic Base
  • Support Career Pathways
  • Expand Tech College Training & Technical Assistance Services to Business & Industry

Funds Available

  • Grant will cover 50% of total training costs, Employer share is 50%
  • Funds for General Businesses & Small Businesses
  • $2,500 to $200,000 Per Application
  • Training must focus on occupational skills, academic, and employability topics or courses
  • Training and/or Technical Assistance for Individual Employer or Multiple Employers
  • Consistent Theme Needed; Majority of Training Offered Received by All Consortium Employers Training on Similar Topics (e.g., Welding, OSHA, MSSC, etc.) or Employers from Same Industry Sector (Wood, Product Manufacturing, Industrial Machinery Manufacturing, Agricultural, etc.) or another reasonable grouping.
  • Expected Training Time Frame July 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025

These guidelines are subject to change by WTCS

Requirements to Participate in WAT Grant-Funded Training Include:

  • Begin training within 90 days of grant award notification
  • Expressing interest without commitment by the end of January each year (fill out the consideration form below)
  • Completing and submitting an Economic Impact Survey upon training

WTCS Workforce Advancement Training Overview

If you would like to discuss your annual employee training program to see if a WAT Grant is a good fit, please contact Business & Industry Services at 608.822.2323 or email