HESI is a computerized exam given to students going into the Nursing – Associate Degree, Medical Lab Technician, Physical Therapist Assistant, Surgical Technician, or Radiography programs to determine academic readiness.
What Is Covered On The Test?
The following subtests make up the HESI test for Southwest Tech. There are 55 questions in each test.
- Reading Comprehension – Provides reading scenarios in order to measure reading comprehension, identifying the main idea, finding meaning of words in context, passage comprehension, making logical inferences, etc.
- Vocabulary & General Knowledge – Contains vocabulary terminology that is used commonly in both general English speaking and in the health care fields.
- Grammar – Contains basic grammar, including parts of speech, important terms and their uses in grammar, commonly occurring grammatical errors, etc.
Scheduling an Appointment
For the fall and Spring semesters, testing will be on the following dates: 9:00 and 1:00
- Wednesday, January 28th
- Tuesday, February 11th
- Wednesday, February 26th
- Friday, March 21th
- Thursday, April 3rd
- Monday, April 14th
- Thursday, May 1st
- Tuesday, May 20th
The cost to take the test on campus is $55 and is paid when you register.
To reserve a spot, Register through DaySmart Appointments.
General Rules
- A valid photo I.D. is required for testing.
- Food and drinks are not allowed in the testing center.
- Personal belongings are not allowed in testing rooms, locked bags are available.
HESI Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I have to take the HESI?
Students applying for admission to Southwest Tech's Nursing (Associate Degree), Medical Laboratory Technician, Physical Therapist Assistant, Surgical Technician, and Radiography programs must take the HESI.
- How can I prepare?
There are several free options to help you study for the test.
- https://www.mometrix.com/academy/hesi-a2-practice-test/
- https://nursehub.com/free-hesi-a2-practice-test/
- https://nursingexams.org/hesi/admission-assessment/
- https://www.hesia2practicetest.com/
- https://www.test-guide.com/free-hesi-a2-practice-tests.html
- https://uniontestprep.com/hesi-exam/practice-test
Students can purchase the HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review book through the Southwest Tech bookstore. To purchase, go to the Nursing Materials section of the Southwest Tech Bookstore . Books can be picked up in the bookstore or shipped.
Ordering the HESI Study Guide
Go to the Southwest Tech Online bookstore at swtc.ecampus.com.
Physical Copy
- Select the dropdown Textbooks Menu
- Select Buy
- A Shop Course Materials will open up
- Select a campus Term
- Current Spring/Summer/Fall Term
- Select a Department
- Scroll to the bottom of the window and select 99999
- Select a course
- 103
- Select a section
- 9999
- Select the GET YOUR BOOKS button
- Enter the Qty as 1 and proceed to the checkout
- If you have never purchased from out bookstore you will need to set up an account.
Digital Copy
- Follow the link below to order a digital copy of the textbook
- Admission Assessment Exam Review E-Book 5th Edition | RedShelf
- You will almost immediately receive an email from RedShelf (Digital Content Provider)
- You will need to set up an account at RedShelf
- Register RedShelf
- Once logged in to your RedShelf account
- Locate the code number that RedShelf sent you to access the eBook and enter that information in the Redeem your RedShelf Access Code. It is located just under the dark grey bar that says MyShelf in the center of the screen.
- You can now start reading.
- For additional information on the functionality of the eBook, please see the links below.
- eReader and Features Overview – RedShelf Solve
- eReader Personal Display Options – RedShelf Solve
- Assistive Technologies – RedShelf Solve
- When will I find out what my test scores are?
Students will receive their HESI results and a copy of their score report immediately upon the completion of testing.
- What are the required scores for the HESI?
Students must have a score of 75% in all three areas of the HESI (Reading, Grammar, and Vocabulary) to go directly into the Nursing program. Students that do not meet the 75% requirement in all three areas, but have at least a 70% in one area of the HESI will be accepted into pre-core Nursing. Students that score below a 70% in all areas of the HESI will be required to retest.
- 75% and above (all areas) – Accepted directly in Nursing
- 74-70% (at least one area) – Accepted to pre-core Nursing
- Below 70% (all areas) – required to retest, not accepted
Physical Therapist Assistant
Students must have a score of 75% in all three areas of the HESI (Reading, Grammar, and Vocabulary) to submit a petition for the PTA program.
Medical Laboratory Technician
Students who do not meet the minimum HESI requirements of a 75% in all areas (Reading, Grammar, and Vocabulary) may be conditionally accepted to the program and should meet with the program Advisor to discuss their options.
Surgical Technician
Students need to have a minimum score of 65% in all areas (Reading, Grammar, and Vocabulary).
Students need a minimum of 75% in all areas (Reading, Grammar, and Vocabulary).
- How long does the testing take?
- While the HESI exam does not have a time limit, most students take approximately 3 hours to complete the reading, vocabulary, and grammar tests.
- Is there a charge for testing?
- $55 for on campus testing. Payment is due when the appointment is made.
- Do I need to bring anything for testing?
- A valid photo I.D. is required for testing.
- Can I retest on the HESI?
- Students can retest once per calendar year, not within 30 days of the original test.
- What if I need accommodations for testing?
- Prior to scheduling your exam students with disabilities, who need accommodations, should contact Disability Services, Knox Learning Center, Room 314, 608-822-2632, TTY/TDD 608.822.2072, or email disabilityservices@swtc.edu.