Experience Pays! You've been there... You've done that... Let's see if you can get credit for it!

Credit for prior learning gives you opportunities to earn credit for college-level knowledge that you have already acquired. This may be the result of work or volunteer experiences, certifications, apprenticeships, military training, extensive self-instruction, or professional development. Credit for Prior Learning affords you the opportunity to accelerate the completion of your educational goals.

To see what courses have credit options please check the "Prior Learning" tab on the program pages.

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Transfer Credits

Credits can come from another accredited institution or from high school courses with advance standing options.

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Most military training and experience can be turned into credit.

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Challenge Exams

Your knowledge is demonstrated through a written test or through a demonstration of your skills.

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Industry Recognized Certificates

Credits can come from an industry certificate or from completing a portfolio of your experiences.

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CLEP/National Tests

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) helps students receive college credit for what they already know, for a fraction of the cost of a college course.

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AP Tests

High school students across the country and around the world take AP courses and exams to challenge themselves, explore their interests, and earn college credit and placement.

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A Portfolio is designed to document what you have learned and how it relates to a Southwest Tech course.

Depending on your program or courses, there are different options for credit for prior learning. Not all courses will have the option for credit for prior learning.