Legal Problems?
Lawyers for Learners can help

Legal issues can keep people from going to school or getting a job. Inaccurate arrest or conviction records can prevent people from pursuing their careers. Family, housing, and other legal problems can force people to drop out of college.
Free, confidential help is available if you or someone you know is experiencing a legal problem. May be you aren't even sure if the problem you have maybe a legal one. Regardless, help is available!
Legal Issues We Cover
- Expungement
- Housing
- Money
- Traffic and Criminal Issues
- Driver's License Restoration
- Family Matters
- Employment and Business
- Immigration
- Consumer Protection
- Name & Gender Marker Change
Lawyers for Learners Intakes for 2022
- There was a total of 22 referrals submitted.
- 9 students learned of the service by a school communication or event.

Referrals were submitted by:
- 17 current students
- 3 past students (within the past 3 years)
- 2 staff or faculty members

Video Introductions
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