Southwest Tech values and honors diverse experiences and perspectives and strives to create a welcoming and respectful learning environment to promote access, opportunity and justice for all. Referring to students by the name they wish to be called in classrooms and when interacting with college personnel supports a respectful learning environment. The reasons for choosing a preferred name rather than a legal name are personal and different for each individual.

Changing Your Preferred Name

You can add a preferred name by submitting the Preferred Name Request Form.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a preferred name?
  • A preferred name is a name a student wishes to be known by in the college community that is different from a student’s legal name. Southwest Tech’s policy covers preferred first names. Surnames (last names) can be changed only with a legal name change.

  • What is a legal name?
  • A legal name is the name that appears on your passport, driver’s license, birth certificate, or U.S. Social Security Card.

  • Why does Southwest Tech use preferred names?
  • Southwest tech values and honors diverse experiences and perspectives and strives to create a welcoming and respectful learning environment to promote access, opportunity and justice for all. Referring to students by the name they wish to be called in classrooms and when interacting with college personnel supports a respectful learning environment.

  • What does a preferred name mean at Southwest Tech?
  • The term “preferred name” refers to a name that an individual wishes to use that differs from their legal name on legal documents and/or differs from the name that is listed on a student’s original Southwest Tech student record that has not been changed legally.

  • Where will the preferred name appear?
    • Schoology (changing a preferred name in Schoology does not change other systems, submitting a Preferred Name Request Form will change other systems)
    • MySWTC Portal
    • Student database screen used by college staff and administrators
    • Student email display name will be updated to reflect the preferred name (optional)

  • Where will my legal name be used?
  • Your legal name will be used in business processes and other activities that require use of a legal name. These include:

    • Student ID cards
    • Financial Aid
    • Student Employment Records
    • Federal Requests for Information
    • National Student Clearinghouse
    • Transcripts
    • Academic Certifications
    • Tax Forms
    • Grant Reporting

  • Does a preferred name affect my legal name?
  • No. Setting a preferred name does not change your legal name.

  • How do I change my legal name?
  • Legal name changes can be made in the MySWTC student portal under ‘Edit Profile’. You must provide one of the following official documentation to prove the legal name change:

    • Government issued ID with the new name
    • Social Security card with the new name

  • Do I have to use a preferred name?
  • No. Use of a preferred name is optional.

  • When will my preferred name go into effect?
  • Typically, it will take 24-48 business hours for the update to take effect in our college systems. You may change your preferred name at any time and more than once.

  • Why would someone want to use a preferred name?
  • The reasons for choosing a preferred name that may be different from a legally changed name are personal and different for each individual. Students may have many reasons for asking to have their preferred names, over their legal names, displayed on non-legal documents:

    • Students known by names that are different from their legal names
    • Transgender or gender nonconforming identities
    • International students or other students who wish to adopt an English language name

  • What are the terms and conditions of setting a preferred name at Southwest Tech?
  • When you set your preferred name, you agree that:

    • You have not set a preferred name with an intent to impersonate someone else, to deceive, or to defraud
    • Hate speech, inappropriate language, or repeated frequent use of this feature may bar you from using this feature, at Southwest Tech’s discretion

  • Are there any preferred name restrictions?
  • Preferred names may not be used for purposes of fraud or misrepresentation. Southwest Tech reserves the right to remove a preferred name if it contains inappropriate or offensive language.

  • Who do I contact if I have more questions?
  • Please contact the Records Office.