Southwest Tech offers a number courses in the physical and natural sciences. Upon completing them, you would be able to do the following:

Anatomy & Physiology

  • Recognize and identify human anatomy.
  • Explain the physiology of the body systems and how they are affected by daily activity.
  • Diagnose physiological processes as they relate to proper care of a patient's needs.
  • Correlate treatment procedures and integrate these into a physiological approach to patient care.


  • Collect and quantitatively analyze empirical data using scientific method.
  • Describe chemical principles influencing solutions of the body/environment.
  • Utilize scientific terms/nomenclature as related to medicine, agriculture, and environmental applications.
  • Describe chemical pathways involved in cellular metabolism during health/disease.
  • Argue merits and risks of biotechnology in social and professional context.
  • Interpret molecular structures as applied to influences on water solubility, physiology, agriculture, and environmental applications.


  • Analyze the characteristics of infectious microorganisms (transmission, course of disease, symptoms, complications, diagnosis, treatment, prevention) related to patient care.
  • Discuss the control of infectious organisms (standard precautions, isolations, chemotherapeutic agents, disinfection/sterilization methods) roles in controlling/spreading microorganisms.
  • Describe the nonspecific/specific defenses of the immune system in fighting disease, how vaccination/immune globulins are used to prevent disease, how immunosuppression and disorders of the immune system are related to patient care and disease.


  • Apply English and metric measurement systems to related fields.
  • Apply scientific method/stepwise problem solving techniques for success in life and work.
  • Apply statics (forces) and dynamics (motion) to program-related topics.
  • Relate various forms of energy: thermal, electrical/magnetic, sound, light and mechanical to program areas.
  • Utilize the concepts of properties of matter (elasticity, pressure, density, etc.) in program areas.