Day 2 of the EMS Conference

Calendar IconOCTOBER 9, 2022
8 AM – Noon

First Nationally presented comprehensive course (Since 1998) on capnography that is an eye-opening experience when participants learn the incredible benefits gained from full ETCO2 monitoring and waveform assessment. In this exciting and informative session, Bob reviews the related A&P of the respiratory system and explains, through the use of multi-media and audience involvement, the role of capnography in all aspects of emergency and critical care. From cases of cardiac arrest to airway and ventilation management. Patient assessment as an initial triage through primary assessment and secondary to ongoing reassessment. In medical and trauma cases alike, the case is made for using capnography as a key patient assessment tool for every patient. From the triage of any patient to the ongoing monitoring of the patient. In fact, anyone with a problem with ABC’s should have continuous monitoring of ETCO2 and waveform. Be a part of this comprehensive course that explains in detail why you measure CO2, how the machine measures it, how the waveforms are made and real cases from A-Z. Come and learn how to fully integrate this session into your practice and utilize it to its fullest potential! Capnography: It’s not just for confirming tube placement!

Session Objectives

  • Define a simple process for reading a Capnogram (waveform)
  • Given a waveform, identify the physiologic or pathologic processes it represents
  • Describe the limitations and benefits of Capnography in the intubated patient including tube confirmation and post intubation ventilatory management.
  • Describe the benefits and limitations of Capnography in the non-intubated patient including conscious sedation, possible narcotic OD, and various respiratory, medical, trauma and metabolic emergencies.
  • Describe the uses for capnography in cardiac arrest management including measuring CPR effectiveness, ROSC, and airway confirmation.
  • Describe the use of capnography in the initial triage and manage of various patients.

Session Outline

  1. 6 step process
  2. Waveform identification
  3. The intubated patient
    1. Confirmation
    2. Tube vigilance
    3. Perfusion
    4. Ventilation
  4. The non-intubated patient
    1. Asthma
    2. COPD
    3. CHF
    4. Sedation
    5. Perfusion
    6. Ventilation

thank you to our Donors!

These classes are FREE due to the generous donations from these sponsors:

  • Southwest Tech
  • Southwest Tech Foundation -Bill Croft Fund
  • Southwest Health
  • Grant Regional Health Center
  • Grant County Emergency Services
  • Richland County Ambulance Service
  • Iowa County Emergency Services Association
  • Gundersen - Boscobel