Congratulations Graduates!
Graduation is a time to celebrate accomplishments, share successes, and start a new chapter in your life! See below for graduation requirements, how to prepare for graduation and ceremony instructions. Reminder: You must fill out your Program Completion Application on your MySWTC in order to receive your diploma, even if you are not participating in the ceremony.
Spring Commencement Information
- Date:
- May 17, 2025
- Location:
- Building 1700/Ag Auto Center
- Times:
- Ceremony 1 – 9:00 am
Ceremony 2 – 11:00 am
Ceremony 3 – 1:00 pm
Spring 2025 Program Ceremony Schedule
For questions, please contact Student Records by email at or by phone at 608.822.2634.
Graduation Reception Sponsors
Southwest Tech is grateful for the following support of our graduates, by sponsoring the post-graduation receptions on campus.
- Boardman & Clark LLP
- Lands' End
- QueenB Radio
- TC Networks, Inc.
- WCC Brands Custom Apparel
- Graduation Requirements
- In order to receive your diploma, whether or not you are participating in the graduation ceremony, you must fill out your Program Completion Application in your MySWTC Student Portal’s Document Center, once it is available.
- You are required to meet certain criteria in order to earn a degree, diploma or certificate from Southwest Tech. You must have:
- Fulfilled a minimum of 25 percent of total program requirements and 25 percent of core courses while enrolled at Southwest Tech.
- Preformed to an acceptable level by maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above. Some programs have a higher standard, requiring students to earn no lower than a "C" grade in every course.
- Met all financial obligations including childcare bills, library charges, laptop return or fees, payments/Billing Office bills (tuition), bookstore charges, and part charges. Failure to meet these obligations will put a hold on your transcript and diploma.
- High Honor Status
- A graduate who completes all the required courses in his/her associate degree or technical diploma program and achieves a program cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above will graduate with high honor status. The program cumulative GPA for the term prior to graduation will be used to determine high honors. Participation in the graduation ceremony is required to receive a high honor cord, which the recipient may keep. The student will receive gold cords to be worn during the commencement program. Cumulative GPA is not rounded in determining eligibility for high honors. For example, a 3.49 GPA is not rounded to 3.5. Students that do not have prior term grades and/or students enrolled in one semester programs are not eligible for commencement ceremony high honor status.
- Preparation for Graduation
Once available, you’ll find your Program Completion Application in the Document Center of your MySWTC Student Portal. Please submit your PCA even if you are not participating in the commencement ceremony.
Caps, Gowns, Associate Degree Hoods and Cords:
- Caps, gowns, and tassels will be available in Student Services beginning the Monday before Graduation. Check in at the front desk for pick-up. An email will be sent if they are available for early distribution. Note: Do not decorate our graduation cap or gown.
- Associate degree Hoods, Veteran, Honor, and Phi Theta Kappa cords are provided at no additional cost and will be handed out the day of the ceremony. Hoods are for use during graduation only and must be returned after the ceremony to avoid a fee. All cords are yours to keep.
Cards, Class Rings, Stoles:
- If you are interested in ordering cards, or class rings, please check out Jostens for a variety of options.
- If you would like to purchase a Phi Theta Kappa stole, you may go to the Phi Theta Kappa Online Store or call 800.946.9996.
- Graduation Day
Spring Graduation
- Graduates should arrive on Campus 45 minutes prior to their ceremony start time.
- Meet in the lounge area of the Ag/Auto Building (inside the main door), your instructor(s) will review ceremony procedures and hand out graduation materials (name cards, hoods, and cords). Advisors will then begin to line you up for the ceremony.
- Name Cards – Each student will receive a card with his/her name, program(s), and high honor designation (as earned) printed on the card. Please hold on to this card and hand it to the announcer as you cross the stage.
- Associate degree hoods must be returned to the Student Services Reception Desk in order to avoid a $25 charge.
- Students will receive an empty diploma cover to take home. Diplomas will be mailed approximately 4-6 weeks after graduation.
- There will be a professional photographer on campus for graduate photo opportunities.
- The ceremony will last approximately one hour.
- Guests may arrive 30 minutes prior to the ceremony they are attending.
- Open seating: tickets are not required. There is designated seating for graduates. If students or guests need a special accommodation, contact Southwest Tech’s Support Services Specialist at 608.822.2631.
- We generally expect to accommodate approximately five guests per graduate.
- A celebratory reception for graduates, guests, and Southwest Tech staff will follow each ceremony in the cafeteria of Building 400.
- Graduates should arrive on Campus 45 minutes prior to their ceremony start time.
- After Graduation
- Access your grades on your MySWTC account. Grades should be available to you one to two weeks after the semester ends.
- Your diploma will be mailed to the address listed on your Program Completion Application within 4-6 weeks of graduation.
- Dean’s List- The Dean's List is made up of students enrolled in associate degree and technical diploma programs who have completed 12 or more credits during the semester and earned a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher for the semester (non-cumulative). Honors are not awarded to students who have an “I,” “IP,” or “F” grade on their semester transcript
- Please stay in touch with Southwest Tech!
- Like us on Facebook to see graduation photos and videos!
- Find out about alumni events by staying connected. Please email your current information and success stories to
- Remember that Career Connections is here for students and alumni to assist with all of your job searching needs (resumes, cover letters, interview skills and job searching).
- Job Out Option
Students who have secured employment related to their program may "job out" with instructor approval. This allows these students to be employed while concurrently completing course requirements. Requests are evaluated case by case, and the following guidelines must be observed:
- All pertinent forms and course completion requirements must be finalized between student and instructor, who may request confirmation of an employment offer with the employer.
- Students are excused from class attendance but not from completing class assignments.
- Jobbing out cannot occur until the last four weeks before graduation.