Southwest Wisconsin Technical College is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all individuals enjoy freedom from discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of sex, as mandated by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX prohibits discrimination in educational programs and activities on the basis of sex, which includes discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions.

Support and Assistance

Southwest Tech will provide assistance to students who are pregnant or have a pregnancy-related condition in the same manner as students with other temporary medical conditions. We are here to help you achieve your education and career goals and can assist you with any of the following:

  • Staying in school and attending your classes
  • Fully participating in Southwest Tech programming and activities during your pregnancy
  • Maintaining progress toward your associate degree or technical diploma with absences due to pregnancy or childbirth
  • Coordinating your healthcare provider’s recommendations with reasonable adjustments

NOTE: Pregnant students are required to seek assistance through the Office of Disability Services for excused absences or reasonable adjustments.

Steps to Request Pregnancy Adjustments

Step 1: Submit a Pregnancy Adjustment Request Form

You can begin the process at any time by completing the Pregnancy Adjustment Request Form. It is recommended you complete the form as soon as you know you are pregnant or have a pregnancy-related condition.

Step 2: Provide Documentation

Submit documentation signed by your healthcare provider on official letterhead indicating your pregnancy, due date and anticipated beginning and ending dates of extended leave.

Step 3: Documentation of Absences

You will need to notify your instructors in writing, in advance when practicable, of any absence that is pregnancy-related, including prenatal appointments. If your extended absence exceeds the dates listed in the initial documentation provided in step 2, you will be required to submit additional documentation signed by your healthcare provider on official letterhead upon return stating the new beginning and ending dates and the medical necessity for the additional leave.

Pregnancy-related impairments

Although pregnancy itself is not a disability, pregnancy-related impairments may qualify as disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students experiencing such impairments may contact the Southwest Tech’s Office of Disability Services to seek reasonable accommodations under the ADA.